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# 2: Camino, Ready to go!

The last supper! 😊

T minus 1

After travelling nearly 21,000km I finally made it into France and to the small village of St Jean Pied de Port where the trail begins.

Many undertake the trail for religious reasons and although that’s not the case for me, as a proud Catholic, I know there will be some opportunities to practice the faith on occasion. They say the lord works in mysterious ways and with a couple of hours spare before catching the once-a-day bus, the wily old fella somehow drew me into the local church! It was an incredible place of peace with beautiful centuries-old architecture and as I took a seat to reflect, some bells rung and a mass kicked off!! Probably not a bad way to start a pilgrimage and although I didn’t understand a word, they were all said in 22 minutes which some of the local clergy back home could do well to take note of!

Beautiful Pamplona Church

I don’t think I’ve ever been so early on a schedule ever but it’s really daunting trying to find departures for planes, trains, and today's automobile not knowing even a fraction of the local language to speak to someone for assistance or to read a sign. So it’s some peace of mind for me to get there early and scope things out as much as I can.

I managed to catch the right bus after some stress and it was a case of “hola” getting on and “bon jour” upon getting off. The French countryside looks beautiful and it was a stunning trip over the Pyrenees which is a little like the Remutakas on steroids.

St Jean is a pretty village with lots of backpacks in town. I’m spending my first night in a hostel (Gite they call them in France) which is on the laneway made quite famous in a few of the Camino movies. They’ve popped me in a bunk situated in what looks like a cupboard and anxiety is thru the roof as a female pilgrim has taken the bunk above me. Gosh, I hope she has earplugs or Del has been winding me up!!

I’ll cross thru the archway tomorrow at first light, head over the little cobbled bridge and the 800km will begin. The first day they say is the hardest with a 30km hike back over the Pyrenees and 1400m of elevation. One like equals one prayer!!!

Buen Camino.

Oh goodness….my suite for the night…. The archway and bridge I’ll cross through tomorrow to get things underway

The landmark bridge French countryside. Beautiful villages scattered in the foothills

St Jean Pied de Port



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